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September 27, 2013

Cochleanthes aromatica

Cochleanthes aromatica (Rchb.f.) R.E.Schult. & Garay, Bot. Mus. Leafl. 18: 323 (1959).
This name is accepted.
20133223 Florida Caribbean

Cochleanthes aromatica , award 20133223, has been confirmed to be Cochleanthes aromatic by SITF (Oct 2013).

Epidendrum horichii

Epidendrum horichii Hágsater, Icon. Orchid. 3: t. 334 (1999). This name is accepted.
20133222 Florida Caribbean
Epidendrum horichii, award 20133222, has been confirmed to be Epidendrum horichii by SITf (Oct 2013).

Masdevallia fonsecae

Masdevallia fonsecae Königer, Arcula 2: 35 (1994). This name is accepted.

Award 20133221 Florida Caribbean

Masdevallia fonsecae ,Award 20133221, has been confirmed to be Masdevallia fonsecae by SITF (Nov 2013).

September 26, 2013

Trisetella triaristella

Trisetella triaristella (Rchb.f.) Luer, Phytologia 47: 58 (1980).
This name is accepted.
20123226  Florida Caribbean

Trisetella triaristella, award20123226, has been confirmed to be   Trisetella triaristella by SITF (Nov 2013).

Camaridium campanulatum

Camaridium campanulatum (C.Schweinf.) M.A.Blanco, Lankesteriana 7: 520 (2007).

This name is accepted.
Award 20133194, FL. Caribbean

Camaridium campanulatum, award 20133194, has been confirmed to be Camaridium campanulatum by SITF (Oct 2013).

Stelis alta

Stelis alta Pridgeon & M.W.Chase, Lindleyana 17: 98 (2002). This name is accepted.

award 20133216 Florida Caribbean 

Stelis alta , award 20133216, has been confirmed to be Stelis alta by SITF (Oct 2013).

September 25, 2013

Schoenorchis pachyacris confirmed to be Schoenorchis fragrans

Schoenorchis pachyacris (J.J.Sm.) J.J.Sm., Natuurw. Tijdschr. Ned.-Indië 72: 95 (1912). This name is accepted.

award 20132731 Chicago

Schoenorchis pachyacris, award 2013273, has been confirmed to be Schoenorchis fragrans by SITF (Nov. 2013), with assistance of Andre Schuiteman. 

Camaridium ctenostachys

Camaridium ctenostachys (Rchb.f.) Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 19: 238 (1923). This name is accepted.

20133192 Florida Caribbean
Camaridium ctenostachys , award 20133192, has been confirmed to be Camaridium ctenostachys by SITF (Oct 2013).

Dichaea hystricina

Dichaea hystricina Rchb.f., Flora 48: 279 (1865). This name is accepted.

Award 20133054 Florida Caribbean

Dichaea hystricina , award 20133054, has been confirmed to be Dichaea hystricina  by SITF (Oct 2013).

Oncidium brownii

Oncidium brownii (Garay) M.W.Chase & N.H.Williams, Lindleyana 21(3): 22 (2008).Homotypic Synonyms: * Sigmatostalix brownii Garay, Caldasia 10: 236 (1968).

Award 20133053 Florida Caribbean

Oncidium brownii, award 20133053, has been confirmed to be  Oncidium brownii by SITF (Oct 2013).

September 16, 2013

Cattleya × nesyana confirmed to be Cattleya bradei

award # 20131064 entered as natural hybrid C x Nesyana (C. virens x C. xanthina) 'Elizabeth Anne' CHM 83 (prov).   
California Sierra Nevada

Cattleya x Nesyana , award # 20131064, has been confirmed to be  Cattleya bradei by SITF (Sept 2013). 

September 10, 2013

Angraecum huntleyoides

Angraecum huntleyoides Schltr., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 38: 160 (1906).
This name is accepted.

award 20133764 Mid-America Judging Center

Angraecum huntleyoides, award 20133764, has been confirmed to be Angraecum huntleyoides by SITF (Sept 2013). 

September 03, 2013

Laelia lyonsii

Laelia lyonsii (Lindl.) L.O.Williams, Darwiniana 5: 76 (1941).This name is accepted.

award number 20134309 at the Toronto Additional Judging Site (Montreal) 
Laelia lyonsii, award number 20134309, has been confirmed to be  Laelia lyonsii by SITF (Sept 2013). 

Bulbophyllum occlusum confirmed to be Bulbophyllum hamelinii

Bulbophyllum occlusum Ridl., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 21: 464 (1885).
This name is accepted.

award number 20134311 at the Toronto Additional Judging Site (Montreal)

Bulbophyllum occlusum, award number 20134311, has been confirmed to be  Bulbophyllum hamelinii by SITF (Sept 2013).