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February 29, 2016

Pelexia weberbaueri

Award number:  2016  1912
Name:  Pelexia weberbaueri

Horizontal / Width
Vertical / Length
Natural Spread
Dorsal Sepal
Lateral Sepals
Lip / Pouch

Description: Twenty-nine flowers, 6 buds on one erect markedly hirsute 50 cm inflorescence; plant 20 cm wide x 20  cm high, leaves ovate, 10 cm wide x 15 cm long, dark green with small light green spots, leaf pedicel 8 cm, brown-red; floral bracts lanceolate, hirsute, 3 cm pink-brown, margins white, hirsute, lateral sepals fused to form spur basally, separate at distal half an in-rolled lip fused to apex of column, interior yellow, white apically; column white, substance medium, texture soft.

Pelexia weberbaueri (Kraenzl.) Schltr., Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 37(2): 411 (1920).This name is accepted.

2016  1912 PNW

Pelexia weberbaueri, award 20161912, has been confirmed to be  Pelexia weberbaueri by SITF (march 2016). 

Phloeophilia cunabulum

20154093 WPBJC

Oncidium cultratum

Award number: 20155741  foto 2306, 2294
Name: Oncidium cultratum ‘Miki’

Horizontal / Width
Vertical / Length
Natural Spread
Dorsal Sepal
Lateral Sepals
Lip / Pouch

Twenty-five flat flowers with 30 star shaped, infertile, abortive flowers on one upright, branched inflorescence; sepals spatulate, margins slightly undulate, yellow marked, brown centrally; petals spatulate margins slightly undulate yellow marked brown centrally; lip yellow, side lobes overlaid brown on upper portion, notched in center of apical margin giving appearance of being two lobed, callus white, toothed; column yellow, rounded wings at apex; substance firm; texture matte.


Oncidium cultratum, award 20155741, has been confirmed to be  Oncidium cultratum by SITF (Marach 2016). 

Gongora irmgardiae

20161673 PRJC

Gongora irmgardiae, award 20161673, has been confirmed to be Gongora irmgardiae by SITF(March 2016). 

February 24, 2016

Calanthe rubens determined to be most likely a hybrid

Awarded at GPJC on 2/20/2016. 20165099

Country of origin unknown.

Twenty-one pink flowers and 39 buds on two 70.3-cm light green, hirsute, erect, inflorescences that emerge from base of 22.5-cm tall by 17.5-cm in circumference, conical, angled, centrally pinched and longitudinally grooved pseudobulbs; flower ovaries 3.8cm long, bracts 1.0cm wide by 2cm long, light green; plant sympodial, deciduous, grown in bark in a 22-cm plastic pot; sepals and petals stripped dark pink, reverse hirsute; lip full, extremely ruffled, crimson proximally, side lobes enclose column, spur 1.2cm, slender, crimson; column and anther cap cream; substance tissue paper thin; texture crystalline; species from SE Asia

Calanthe rubens, award 20165099, has been determined to be most likely a  hybrid by SITF (March 2016).

Oberonia recurva

  • Award number 20161185
  • Submitted as Oberonia recurva 'Kimberly Anne' (note - This plant was submitted under the synonym of Ob. croftiana)
  • Award received - CBR

Oberonia recurva, 20161185, has been confirmed to be  Oberonia recurva by SITF (March 2016). 

February 12, 2016

Phragmipedium longifolium var. gracile

Phragmipedium longifolium var. gracile (A.H.Kent) Pfitzer in H.G.A.Engler (ed.), Pflanzenr., IV, 50(12): 49 (1903).This name is a synonym.
Accepted Name: Phragmipedium longifolium var. longifolium.
 award 20162691 Hawaii Center

Phragmipedium longifolium var. gracile, award 20162691, has been determined to be Phragmipedium longifolium by SITF (March 2016). 

February 10, 2016

Cryptocentrum misasii determined to be Cryptocentrum standleyii

Cryptocentrum misasii P.Ortiz & Carnevali, Phytotaxa 56: 2 (2012).
This name is accepted.

20154090  West Palm

Cryptocentrum misasii, 20154090, has been determined to be Cryptocentrum standleyii by SITF (March 2016). 

Tetramicra riparia

Tetramicra riparia  20164631  FCJC

Tetramicra riparia, award 20164631, has been confirmed to be Tetramicra riparia by SITF (March 2016). 

Lockhartia serra determined to be Lockhartia tenuiflora

Award 20161436 Lockartia serra

Lockartia serra, award 20161436, has been determined to be Lockhartia tenuiflora by SITF (march 2016). 

February 03, 2016