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May 15, 2008

Gongora quinquenervis Verified as Gongora pleiochroma

Gongora quinquenervis 'Dragon Fly' CHM 81, award # 20074246
all measurements in l x w (the reverse of AOS)
ns 4.1 x 0.9
ds 1.8 x 0.2
ptl 0.7 x 0.15
ls 0.9 x 2.4
lip 2.0 x 0.9
Thirty eight spirally arranged flowers on one pendent inflorescence; plant 40cm wide grown in sphagnum in a 9cm basket, leaves lanceolate 32x9 cm; flowers typical gongora form,creamy yellow with brown spots, column pale grenish yellow; substance average; texture matte; sweetly fragrant; from Ecuador.
Verified as Gongora pleiochroma Rchb.f. by the SITF with the assistance of Rudolf Jenny.
Dear Peter Poot,
Your center is the recipient of the first award confirmation by the Species Identification Task Force. Jay was kind enough to post two of your unresolved awards so that we could practice and work out the bugs. We still have bugs, but we do have one result.

Gongora quinquenervis 'Dragon Fly' CHM 81, award # 20074246 has been confirmed to be Gongora pleiochroma by SITF (July 2008) with assistance by Rudolf Jenny.
It is now your center’s job to decide how you want to handle this information. There already is a CBR and a CHM for this species in AQ, however there are not good photographs. It seems like there should be a way to use the information obtained from your center. I suspect there is not much that can be done.
Please feel free to ask questions of me or Jay or anyone on the Task Force.

Patricia Harding

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