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March 03, 2009

Bulbopyhllum macroleum confirmed to be Bulbophyllum retusiusculum

Note from Blog Mother:
I fail to find the name "macroleum" anywhere, it may be an attempt at "macrocoleum," which was published by Seidenfaden in section Racemosae, not even close to this.

Bulbophyllum macroleum award 20095848 has been confirmed to be Bulbophyllum retusiusculum yellow form by the SITF with the assistance of Peter O’Byrne, Doris Jensen, and Leonid Averyanov. You may now process the award as Bulbophyllum retusiusculum yellow form.

In the future, the experts all say you can’t get a definitive 100% identification on a bulbo without a dissected flower. As there are no close relatives to this species and everything matches we are going with this species, but it could be a new species(most likely not but could be), but without a dissected flower it is impossible to tell. If there had been close relatives to this species we would have had to ask for a flower or pictures of a dissected flower. Also, though good, these shots could have been clearer.

Patricia Harding

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