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May 26, 2009

Dendrobium friedericksianum

Attached are two images for this species. This was awarded a CHM in
Florida and, while there are other awards to the species, a CHM must be
identified. The award description is:

Forty-five pendent flowers on 12 inflorescences; flower base color
uniform banana yellow; lip throat gold, striated green; substance good;
texture glossy, lip matte; species distributed from Southeast Thailand
to Cambodia; plant remarkable for exquisite parallel arrangement of

Natural spread: 5.4cm horizontal x 5.6cm vertical
Dorsal sepal: 1.1cm wide x 3.6cm long
lateral sepals: 1.3cm wide x 3.2cm long
petals: 1.9cm wide x 3.5cm long
lip: 2.2cm wide x 2.5cm long


This one came for Florida North Central, actually through me since the chair sent it on without an id. Your email to me and Pam are sufficient. I'll let Ken know.-----Original Message-----From: Patricia Harding To:;; 'Pamela Giust' Sent: Fri, 29 May 2009 4:25 pmSubject: another one

I don’t know which region this one came from—Ron do you want to forward this to whoever or should I send again
Dendrobium friedricksianum, award xxxx, has been confirmed to be Dendrobium friedricksianum by the SITF May 2009. You can now process the award.
Patricia Harding, chair SITF

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