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November 15, 2010

Octomeria concolor determined to be Octomeria crassifolia

Octomeria concolor Barb.Rodr., Gen. Spec. Orchid. 2: 100 (1881).
Award 20097932 Bob Winkley(Regional Judging Chair)
this is the type drawing of alpina

this is tpe drawing of viridiflora by Barbosa Rodrigues whcih he latter says is a synonym of crassifolium

this is the type description for concolor ...and you can see it is multiflowered.

This is the type descrption of crassifolia, I have it as a pdf, but when I converted it it got real small. I can send the PDF if you want it.

Tom Gregg 508 540-2054

Octomeria concolor, award 20097932, has been determined to be Octomeria crassifolia by SITF (March 2011), with assistance of Dalton Baptista.

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