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December 18, 2011

Bulbophyllum scotinochiton

Bulbophyllum scotinochiton J.J.Verm. & P.O'Byrne, Gard. Bull. Singapore 57: 133 (2005).

Award 20112472

October 22, 2011
Dear Shan and Tom,
I am not sure that any Bulbo ever will make the list of culinary desirables, but your two jars are surely elevated to the top shelf in my pantry! Many thanks for your generous spirit!
As I mentioned in my past e-mail, your flower is Bulbo. scotinochiton Verm & O’Byrne, a member of my genus Rhytionanthos. I t is very close to B. mirum, but larger and I hope always one-flowered; It comes from Sumatra. Sorry for the delay in answering, but I just finished a tough 5-week bout and managed to get a new addition to my allergy list; all the “-cyclines” antibiotics.
Although I consider Blacksburg as part of the ‘South’ it is getting rather chilly here for my 87- years-old frame. I trust you are faring better!
Best regards,
Leslie Garary

Bulbophyllum scotinochiton, Award 20112472, has been confirmed to be Bulbophyllum scotinochiton by SITF( Dec 2011). 

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