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November 06, 2012

Gastrochilus dasypogon determined to be Gastrochilus obliquus var. suavis

Gastrochilus dasypogon (Sm.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 661 (1891).
This name is accepted.
Award number 20124325, Northeast Judging Center

Gastrochilus dasypogon, award number 20124325, has been determined to be Gastrochilus obliquus var. suavis by SITF (May 2014).



BDB22 said...


I would suggest that this is Gastrochilus puncticulatus Cavestro, a close relative to Gastrochilus obliquus. If you're interested I can send you the literature. (L'Orchidophilé 2000, V 141, pp 53-62.)

Plaese, don't call it G. dasypogon. G. Seidenfaden allready clarified this issue in 1987 (Die Orchidee, V 38, pp 179-183).

Patricia Harding said...

please send the reference.