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June 05, 2013

Bulbophyllum longiflorum

Twelve flowers on one staked, basal, pseudo-umbellate inflorescence; dorsal sepal upright, ovate-cordate, apex long-accuminate, gold-yellow vertically lined burgundy; lateral sepals lanceolate, fused to apices, gold-yellow, suffused fine spots burgundy; petals ovate, slightly cupped, marginal pubescence burgundy; lip articulate, knee-shaped, burgundy, gold-yellow centrally; substance good; texture matte.
HNS = 1.0cm, VNS=4.4cm
DSW=0.4cm, DSL=1.1cm
PW=0.2cm, PL=0.6cm
LSW=0.5cm, LSL=3.7cm
LW=0.1cm, LL=0.4cm

Bulbophyllum longiflorum Thouars, Hist. Orchid.: t. 98 (1822).

This name is accepted.
Homotypic Synonyms:

Heterotypic Synonyms:

Florida North Central award number not given
Bulbophyllum longiflorum, award 2013 3286, has  been confirmed to be Bulbophyllum longiflorum by SITF (August 2013),  with assistance of Doris Jensen and Jaap Vermeulen.

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