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October 29, 2013

Malaxis merapiensis determined to be Crepidium koordersii

Malaxis merapiensis (Schltr.) Seidenf. is a synonym of Crepidium merapiense (Schltr.) Szlach.


Confi­dence level


"Eleven flowers, 24 buds and many developing buds, spirally arranged on two erect burgundy inflorescences borne on a three lead plant, the leads plus three more tiny green growths emerging from a single leafless growth; leaves lanceolate, acuminate, ridged along six lengthwise veins, edges of leaves slightly undulate, olive green, flushed and stippled burgundy mostly along veins; flowers non-resupinate, translucent chartreuse, on lip darkening to emerald green centrally; dorsal sepal ovate lateral sepals rounded; petals threadlike; lip sidelobes rounded, miblobe triangular emerald green; column white, wings dark green, substance firm; texture waxy; floral bracts descending irregularly, 0.3cm wide x 1.2 cm long.

N S - 1.8 x 1.5cm wide
D S - 0.9 x 0.5
PET- 0.8 x 0.1
L S - 0.6 x 0.5
LIP- 0.7 x 0.8

20111188 - Toronto

Malaxis merapiensis, award 20111188has been determined to be Crepidium koordersii by SITF (July 2015). 

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