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April 07, 2014

Ornithidium ruberrimum

20141899 Ornithidium ruberrimum ‘La Rola’ CCE 93

Approximately 350 flowers and 50 buds on 400 inflorescences on 45 cm wide by 60 cm tall mounted pendent plant, rhizome 5-8 cm between growths, pseudobulbs 3-5.5 cm tall x 0.7 cm wide, leaves two per pseudobulb, thick; flowers dark orange-red; lip white basally, blue-purple at apex; substance medium; texture waxy, plant from Colombia. Provisional 

Ornithidium ruberrimum, award 20141899, has been confirmed to be Ornithidium ruberrimum by SITF (April 2014). 

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