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January 22, 2015

mediocalcar uniflorum determined to be Mediocalcar paradoxum subsp. paradoxum

Award 20151336 from Toronto  CBR

Six flowers and  three buds on nine inflorescences emerging from the growing tips of the branched three growth rhizomatous plant; flowers held on curved red-brown 1.4 cm ovaries atop 0.5 cm stems; all sepals fused for two thirds of their length into a floral tube; tube inflated, red-orange, the 0.3 cm tips not fused, slightly spreading and of a contrasting green; sepal tips are twice as wide and a bit longer that the petal and lip tips; substance firm, texture waxy.

NS 1.0 v x 0.8 w
DS 1.0 x 0.5
PT 0.9 x 0.1
LS 1.0 x 0.8
LP 0.9 x 0.4

Mediocalcar uniflorum, Award 20151336, has been determined to be Mediocalcar paradoxum subsp. paradoxum by SITF ( March 2015).

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