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September 09, 2012

Epidendrum roseoscriptum

Award #:     20123137
Place:         NCJC
Date:           08/04/12
Name, Award, Pts:    Epidendrum roseo-scriptum, CHM, 83
Clone:                        Penn’s Creek
Exhibited by:   Woodstream Orchids
Description:  Sixty-three flowers on two inflorescences, one branched; sepals and fibrous petals green suffused with tan; lip cream centrally marked plum; midlobe bifurcated.
Dimensions in centimeters:                       Horz.               Vert.
Natural Spread:                                            2.3                   2.3
Dorsal Sepal:                                                0.4                   1.2
Petal:                                                              0.05                1.1
Lateral Sepal (Syn):                                     0.4                   1.2
Lip (Pouch):                                                  1.0                   1.3

Epidendrum roseoscriptum Hágsater, Icon. Orchid. 2: t. 183 (1993).This name is accepted.
Distribution: Mexico (Chiapas) to Guatemala

Award #:     20123137

Epidendrum roseoscriptum, award 20123137, has been confirmed to be Epidendrum roseoscriptum by SITF (Sept 2012). 

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