
Anyone may comment but ask that comments be about the identity of the plant or references. Comments that are not pertinent will be deleted by the administrator.

If you have questions or comments you don’t want to post you can contact members of SITF, use

Submissions, use ........for instructions on submissions see below under labels: instructions for submissions to SITF

December 15, 2008

Scuticaria hadwenii

Award description:

2 flowers on 2 inflorescences in a 7 x 7cm plastic pot; leaves terete, 0.5 cm wide and up to 48 cm long; sepals and petals yellowish-green with maroon blotches fading apically; lip white with dark pink stripes, light golden contrally; callus light golden, pubescent, three toothed with pink stripes; column white with dense maroon spots basally; substance firm, texture matte. Plant originally from Brazil.

Dear Peter Poot,
Scuticaria hadwenii award # 20088025 has been confirmed to be Scuticaria hadwenii by SITF (Jan 2009) with assistance by Dalton Baptista, Vitorino Castro, and Eric Christenson. Baptista and Castro felt the specimen was consistent with Scuticaria strictifolia, Christenson (referencing his monograph on Scuticaria, Orchid Digest 66(2) 64-69) felt it was S. hadwenii. We felt that the length of the leaves and shape of the lip was more consistent with S. hadwenii, though this specimen seems to have characteristics of both species. According to Christenson, some feel S. strictifolia is a S. hadwenii grown under high light conditions.
Please include the entire previous paragraph with the description you send in with the award.
Please feel free to ask questions of me or Jay or anyone on the Task Force.

Patricia Harding

December 05, 2008

Epidendrum moronense

Award description:

Nineteen nonresupinate flowers and 5 buds on 8 inflorescences; plant 14 cm x 12cm on a treefern plaque; leaves lanceolate with dark mid-rib, up to 9cm x 1.6 cm; flower sepals tan-chartreuse; petals cream, thread like; lip cream, fimbriated; column apple-green with lighter tip; country of origin Ecuador.

A reference listed on the SITF form was Dodson's Native Ecuadorian Orchids.

Species Identification Task Force - Information Form

<>Judging Center:Toronto
Award Number:20088056

Date:6 Sept 08

Awarded as:Epidendrum moronense


In addition to the flower measurements as indicated on the Award Form, please also record these:

length to 9

width .6

shape lanceolate

margin entire

Leaf petiole:
length n/a
Size of growth; (pseudobulb/ramicaul/stem):

length to 3

width/diameter to .3

shape flattened, elliptical

Distance between growths: 0


diameter ?????

distance between nodes ?????

Root and root tip color if visible: white, fresh tips green

Quality of roots if visible:
medium coarse
diameter if possible .2


length 2.5

diameter ?????

arrangement densely racemose


length hidden, very short

color ?????

shape ?????

Sterile bracts:

number none

length ?????

width ?????

color ?????


length 1.5

color tan-green

texture mate
Distance between pedicels: 0.03

If you cannot separate the ovary and pedicel, then measure them together.

Floral bracts:

length 0.15

width 0.1
color green

Natural Spread:

length 2
width 1.9

Dorsal sepal:

length 1

width .3

Lateral sepals or synsepal:

length 1

width .3

Caudae length:

dorsal ?????

lateral ?????

petal ?????


length .9

width .05

Lip or pouch:

length .5

width .6


length with pedicel
width ?????

shape ?????
color ?????

texture ?????

Dear Peter Poot,

Epidendrum moronense Award # 20088056 has been confirmed to be Epidendrum moronense by SITF (Dec 2008).
You can now process the award.

Patricia Harding, chair SITF

Epidendrum pumilum

Attached are a copy of the summary sheet for the award to this plant as
well as scans of the only images we have at present. This has been
identified by Eric Christenson as Oerstedella pumila (Epidendrum pumilum
per MC) but it's been kicking around since 2006 since we can't take
Eric's id directly.


Dear Lowell Jacks and Andy Phillips,
Your specimen of Oerstedella pumila awarded 11/10/2006 has been confirmed as Epidendrum pumilum by the SITF (Dec 2008). You can now process the award.

Patricia Harding, SITF chair

Helcia marginata confirmed as Helcia brevis

Dear Russ,

Your award 20082166, Helcia marginata has been confirmed as Helcia brevis by the SITF(Dec 2008). If the team is comfortable with this name change as they should be as it has not been awarded before( I assume it is for a CHM), you can process the award.

Patricia Harding, SITF chair

Maxillaria calantha confirmed as Maxillaria longipes

Dear Russ,

Your award 20082165, Maxillaria calantha has been confirmed as Maxillaria longipes by the SITF[Patricia] with the assistance of Mario Blanco, Eric Christenson, and Mark Whitten(Dec 2008). There is already a CBR to this species, but CHM or a quality award are alternatives. The next step is yours.
For future reference, M. calantha is from southern Peru. In reality it is probably a variety or form of a complex of a broadly defined M. longipes. The photo in N. Orchids of Ecuador is mislabeled, not your fault.

Patricia Harding, SITF chair

Bulbophyllum auriculatum confirmed as Bulbophyllum lobbii


Foothills Orchid Society Show
Calgary, Alberta, Canada EVENT DATE: 10/04/2008
Name: Doug Savage
3139 - 35 Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Tel.: 403-249-3532
PLANT #: 20082881 AWARD No.: 20082881 HCCAWARD: 75SCORE:
PLANT: Bulbophyllum auriculatum
CULTIVAR: 'Wendy Letendre' SYN:
MEASUREMENTS (in centimeters):
NAT.SPR. 5.2NAT.SPR.V 8.5DS W 2.0DS L 4.8PET W 1.0PET L 4.4LS W 1.5LS L
4.6LIP W 1.1LIP L 3.7
Two orange-yellow flowers and no buds on two inflorescences; dorsal
sepal spotted dull red, lanceolate, erect;
lateral sepals spotted dull red at base, spots coalesce into stripes
centrally, becoming solid at apex, overlaid dull
red, yellow along edges; petal veins dull red, converge into two bands;
lip spotted dull red above hinge, suffused
dull red below hinge, cordate; column dull yellow; anther cap yellow;
substance firm; texture matte; charming
member of the lobbii type Bulbophyllums.
EXHIBITOR: Terry Letendre
9791 185 Street,
Edmonton, AB T5T 3L7 Canada
printed 10/29/2008 Page 1

Dear Russ,

Your award 20082881 Bulbophyllum auriculatum has been confirmed as Bulbophyllum lobbii by the SITF with the assistance of Doris Jensen(Dec 2008). This is “just” as very red form of lobbi. Some experts would divide this group up depending on colors and other characteristics but our expert chose to give us this name and we are going with it. the name auriculatum is not correctly (legally) applied to this form as the name is used on another species totally unrelated, but in the trade this plant is often labeled with this name. As you gave this plant an HCC the award can go now be processed, if the team agrees with continuing with the award (which we at SITF think you should).

Patricia Harding, SITF chair

December 04, 2008

Liparis elmeri confirmed as Liparis condylobulbon

Dear Russ,

Your award 20075315 Liparis elmeri has been confirmed as Liparis condylobulbon by the SITF (Dec 2008). There have been many awards to this species all as CCM’s, there are no Botanical awards to this species. Your call as to what you want to do with this award.
Patricia Harding, SITF chair