
Anyone may comment but ask that comments be about the identity of the plant or references. Comments that are not pertinent will be deleted by the administrator.

If you have questions or comments you don’t want to post you can contact members of SITF, use

Submissions, use ........for instructions on submissions see below under labels: instructions for submissions to SITF

February 25, 2010

Liparis wenzelii confirmed to be Liparis grossa

Liparis wenzelii, award 20103340, has been confirmed to be Liparis grossa by SITF(May 2010) with assistance from Peter O'Byrne. You can now process the award.

Dendrophylax fawcettii confirmed to be Dendrophylax funalis

Note from blog mother: Dendrophylax fawcettii has a 17 cm long spur. There's a decent key in Nir.

Dendrophylax fawcettii, award 20103341, has been confirmed to be Dendrophylax funalis by SITF (March 2010). You can now process the award.

February 23, 2010

Oberonia croftiana determined to be Oberonia ensiformis



Oberonia croftiana Award #20104406 has been determined to be Oberonia
ensiformis by SITF (April 2010). You may now process the award.

Oncidium spathelatum confirmed to be Oncidium isthmi

This will be the first of 5 emails with images for a CBR given in Pacific South at the Newport Harbor Orchid Society Show last weekend. The plant was exhibited with the name Onc. spathelatum which apparently doesn't exist but we didn't know it at the time without an internet connection.

I was part of the team and spoke briefly later with the exhibitor. We do not have reliable collection information. He thought it might have come from Panama but since it was given to him by someone who collected orchids in several countries years ago I'm not sure we can put much stock in it. If you saw this plant out of flower you'd simply pass it off as an Onc. sphacelatum - everything about the plant says that. However that inflorescence is really strange. It's multibranched like sphacelatum but each branch is tightly appressed to the central rachis (so tightly so that attempts to pull them away from the main rachis more than a millimeter or two end up snapping them off.

Bottom line - the names obviously wrong.

Onc. spathelatum, award 20102018, has been confirmed to be Oncidium isthmi by SITF (March 2010), with assistance by Eric Christenson. You may not process the award.

Oberonia croftiana #2 determined to be Oberonia ensiformis

I received a CBR on my Oberonia croftiana this weekend ( Award #20105408). This is my
first of this type of award. I would will be taking more photos
tomorrow in the day light with a ruler of the plant and as best I can of
the flowers. I don't have a fancy camera, but you can enlarge the
photos to get a pretty good idea of the shape of the flowers, but not
the size from what I've sent you.

I've been on your website for information about what to send you, for I
was told to send the whole inflorescence to you. Will you need the whole
inflorescence and how should it be packaged?

I don' t have a very fancy camera, but you can enlarge the photos to get
a pretty good idea of the shape of the flowers. but not the size.

Please let me know what else I can send to aid in your identification of
my orchid plant.

Thank you,

Susan Reed
7733 Sundown Dr.
Verona, WI 53593
Oberonia croftiana Award #20105408 has been determined to be Oberonia
ensiformis by SITF (April 2010). You may now process the award.

Holocoglossum tangii

Dear Identifiers:
My plant of /Holcoglossum tangii /received a provisional CHM award of 81
points at the Batavia Orchid Society Show on 2/20/10.
Award # 20105409
Nat. Spread: Horiz. 3.0cm Vert. 4.2cm
Dorsal Sepal: 0.5cm horiz. 2.0cm vert
Petal: 0.5cm horiz. 1.6cm vert
Lat. Sepal: 0.5cm horiz 2.0cm vert
Lip: 1.0cm horiz 1.0cm vert
Description: Monopodial plant, growth habit pendent, to 7.0cm wide x
30.0cm long; leaves terete to 22.0cm long x 0.2cm wide growing on
28.0cm moss wrapped grape vine; six white flowers faintly blushed mauve
on one 16.0cm inflorescence; substance medium; texture matte.
Comments: Recognized for educational value, rarity in culture and
horticultural potential.

I am attatching some images of the flowers and plant.

Thanks in advance for working on the plant ID.
Walter Crawford
Holcoglossum tangii , Award # 20105409, has been confirmed to be Holcoglossum tangii by SITF (March 2010). You may now process the award.