
Anyone may comment but ask that comments be about the identity of the plant or references. Comments that are not pertinent will be deleted by the administrator.

If you have questions or comments you don’t want to post you can contact members of SITF, use

Submissions, use ........for instructions on submissions see below under labels: instructions for submissions to SITF

March 29, 2010

Coelogyne mayeriana

Coelogyne mayeriana, award 20102053, has been confirmed to be Coelogyne
mayeriana by SITF,(April 2010) with assistance of Barbara Gravendeel. You
may now process the award.

March 25, 2010

Bulbophyllum miniatum

Bulbophyllum miniatum, award 20104416, has been confirmed to be Bulbophyllum saltatorium var. albociliatum by SITF(April 2010). You can now process the award.

March 15, 2010

Maxillaria parahybunensis confirmed to be Maxillaria pumila

Dear Task Force members,

I am requesting an identification for Maxillaria parahybunensis which was given a provisional award by the Cincinnati Judging Center in mid-February. Attached are the following: a copy of the award information, an SITF measurements form and 2 photos. If you need additional information, please contact me or the plant's owner, Steve Ryan. Thank you for your help.

Janice Yates,
Maxillaria parahybunensis, award 20103846, has been confirmed to be Maxillaria pumila by SITF(May 2010) with assistance of Samantha Koehler. You can now process the award.

Lockhartia moyobombae determined to be Lockhartia lepticaula

Lockhartia moyobombae. award 20103344, has been determined to be Lockhartia lepticaula by SITF (April 2012), with assistance of Mario Blanco.

Angraecum urschianum

20104262 - CHM awarded 3/6/2010 at Portland, OR
Angraecum urschianum, Award #20104262, has been confirmed to be Angraecum urschianum by SITF (March 2010). You can now process the award.

March 11, 2010

Lepanthes appendiculata

ward #200998107
Lepanthes appendiculata “Lachua” CHM 83
NS 0.3 x 0.5
DS 0.3 x 0.5
Pet 0.5 x 0.3
LS 0.2 x 0.35
Lip 0.3 x 0.3
Twenty-two flowers and 18 buds on 27 inflorescences lying flat on ovate-cordate leaves on a 43 growth plant; dorsal sepal and synsepals translucent light yellow-green; petals light yellow, red basally; lip red; substance firm; texture glistening; plant originating from Guatemala.

Exhibitor Helmuth Fernando Ibanez Leal
4a Ave 3-64
Zona 4, Coban AV
Email: Email:
Lepanthes appendiculata, award 200998107, has been confirmed to be Lepanthes appendiculata by SITF(April 2010). You can now process the award.

Maxillaria dressleriana

award #200998105
Maxillaria dressleriana “Maria Eugenia”  AM 80
NS 3.0 x 1.6
DS 0.8 x 1.5
Pet 0.6 x 1.5
LS 0.5 x 1.5
Lip 0.6 x 1.4
Five flowers and one bud on six inflorescences; flowers and bracts solid deep burgundy; column and anther cap ivory; substance hard; texture waxy.
Exhibitor Jose Amikar Ramirez Paz
1a Calle 10-70
Zona 3, Coban AV

Maxillaria dressleriana, award #200998105, has been confirmed to be Mormolyca dressleriana by SITF ( May 2010) with assistance of Mario Blanco and Eric Christenson. You can now process the award.

Pleurothallis catharinensis confirmed to be Trichosalpinx blaisdellii

Trichosalpinx violacea (Pths catharinensis)
Leaf:length 4.8, w 1.5, shape lanceolate, margin entire
Infl length 3cm
Pedicel length 0.5 lepanthiform, 1cm between bracts.

Award #200998106
Trichosalpinx violacea NOW Pleurothallis catharinensis “Catalji” CCM 82

NS 0.2 x0.6
DS0.2 x 0.5
Pet –
LS 0.25 x 0.3
Lip –

Two hundred fifteen flowers and 41 buds on 43 inflorescences; plants 16cm high by 23 cm wide, growing on a 10cm tall by 6cm wide tree fern plaque; sepals chartreuse, dorsal sepal overlaid salmon distally, lateral sepals overlaid dark salmon; petals translucent chartreuse; lip burgundy; column and anther cap ivory; substance firm; texture crystalline.

Exhibitor Helmuth Fernando Ibanez Leal
4a Ave 3-64
Zona 4, Coban AV
Email: Email:

Trichosalpinx violacea, Award #200998106, has been confirmed to be Trichosalpinx blaisdellii by SITF(June 2010)with assistance of Toscano de Brito and Lynn O'Shaughnessy.

March 09, 2010

Coelogyne monilirachis confirmed to be Coelogyne incrassata var. sumatrana

Coelogyne monilirachis, award 20104716, has been confirmed to be Coelogyne incrassata var. sumatrana by SITF (April 2010) with assistance of Barbara Gravendeel. You can now process the award.