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October 25, 2010
Podochilus muricatus
The award reads as follows::
Width in cm. Length in cm.
Natural spread: horiz 0.4 vert 0.3
Dorsal sepal: not measurable
Petal: not measurable
Lateral sepal: 0.2 0.6
Lip: 0.25 0.6
Nine flowers and 13 buds on a28 growth plant 19cm across, 13cm high growth on a 10cm osmunda raft, disticus growths to 13cm, leaves 1.4cm long, 0.9cm across; flowers crystalline white, exterior surfaces hirsute; petals have basal purple spot; lip 4 purple spots, throat deep purple; anther cap brown; substance average, texture crystalline.
Award CBR, award # is 20105485 and the center is Chicago and the chairman is James Spatzak
Podochilus muricatus (Teijsm. & Binn.) Schltr., Mém. Herb. Boissier 21: 64 (1900).
Syn: Appendicula muricata Teijsm. & Binn., Natuurk. Tijdschr. Ned.-Indië 24: 322 (1862).
From orchids of Java
Podochilus muricatus , award # is 20105485 , has been confirmed to be Podochilus muricatus by SITF (Dec 2010).
October 24, 2010
Dendrochilum asperum confirmed to be Dendrochilum kopfii
Dendrochilum asperum award # 20103358 Maryetta Sciuto, RN []
I have contacted Jeff Parker for either flowers or better pictures. this one isn't correct as asperum. Patricia
Dendrochilum asperum , award 20103358, has been confirmed to be Dendrochilum kopfii by SITF ( Feb 2011), with assistance of Henrik Pedersen and Emil Lueckel.
October 22, 2010
Oncidium coloratum, confirmed to be Gomesa colorata
Dear Orchid Identification Friends;
I recently received a CBR/AOS on Oncidium coloratum from Brazil, purchased from Andy's Orchids on a Stick. Of course it needs an ID.
Width in cm. Length in cm.
Natural Spread: Horiz 1.4 1.6
Dorsal Sepal: 0.6 0.8
Petal: 0.5 0.7
Lateral Sepal: 0.6 0.8
Lip: 0.4 0.7
Ten flowers borne on two 5.5cm decumbent inflorescences; plant 4.5 x 4.0cm growing on a hardwood twig, covered in moss; pseudobulb ovate, leaves elliptical 0.9 x 1.3cm;
flowers transluscent cream, sepals overlaid light cinnamon basally; petals heavily overlaid red brick; lip bright yellow overlaid red brick basally; substance good; texture matte. Recognized for its rarity and educationalmpurposes.
I am attatching some pictures.
Thanks in advance,
Walter Crawford
award # is 20105437. The center chair name is James Spatzek, his e-mail
Oncidium coloratum Königer & J.G.Weinm.bis, Arcula 2: 51 (1994).
Accepted Name: Gomesa colorata (Königer & J.G.Weinm.) M.W.Chase & N.H.Williams, Phytotaxa 1: 58 (2009).
The name the Brasilians use for this species- Baptistonia colorata (Königer & J.G.Weinm.bis) Chiron, Richardiana 8: 120 (2008).
Oncidium coloratum, award 20105437, has been confirmed to be Gomesa colorata (Oncidium coloratum, Baptistonia colorata) by SITF (Nov 2010). You may now process the award.
October 21, 2010
Phal. violacea v. coerulea
judging team recommended 'Lady Day' be identified because they detected darker pigmentation in the lateral sepals of the flower and believed this was due to influence of bellina.
I was able to see this plant at the society meeting...and more importantly to smell has a spicy, fruit loop fragrance...not as much as another violacea that was there but nothing that was soapy in fragrance( I corect this..soapy is wrong violacea is supposed to smell of lemon or acid, which sniffing my bottle of lemon juice..its not the same ).
Accepted Name: Phalaenopsis violacea H.Witte, Fl. Jard. 4: 129 (1861).
award# is 20106004 chair Gordon Slaymaker, exhibitor Al Pickrel
Phalaenopsis violacea var. coerulea award# 20106004 has been confirmed to be Phalaenopsis violacea (intergrade hybrid) by SITF (Nov 2010). This plant displays characteristics of both P. violacea and P. bellina and it is impossible to tell with the current information available if these characteristics are the result of line breeding or dubious parentage (mixing of P. violacea and P. bellina).
October 07, 2010
Coelogyne ovalis
Coelogyne ovalis Lindl., Edwards's Bot. Reg. 24(Misc.): 91 (1838).
Barbara Gravendeel has this as a synonym of C. fimbriata.
Coelogyne ovalis, award 20104387, has been confirmed to be Coelogyne ovalis by SITF (Oct 2010)
October 02, 2010
Angraecum conchoglossum
Angraecum conchoglossum Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 15: 336 (1918).
Marion Allen - Rocky Mountain Center award 20104559
.Angraecum conchoglossum award 20104559, has been confirmed to be Angraecum conchoglossum by SITF (Nov 2010).
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