
Anyone may comment but ask that comments be about the identity of the plant or references. Comments that are not pertinent will be deleted by the administrator.

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Submissions, use ........for instructions on submissions see below under labels: instructions for submissions to SITF

October 28, 2011

Mormodes wolteriana confirmed to be Mormodes warszewiczi

Mormodes wolteriana Kraenzl., Gard. Chron., III, 48: 229 (1910).This name is a synonym.

Accepted Name: 
Mormodes warszewiczii Klotzsch, Allg. Gartenzeitung 22: 65 (1854).

Maryetta Sciuto , Maui, 20112073

Mormodes wolteriana, award 20112073, has been confirmed to be Mormodes warszewiczii by SITF (Dec 2011).  

October 23, 2011

Encyclia moebusii

ENCYCLIA MOEBUSII H.DIETR., FEDDES REPERT. 96: 563 (1985).This name is a synonym.


there is much much more to this submission. Claude actually is making a case that this synonymy is not correct. He has sent this facts to Kew and to Carnevali, at my urging.

This is his picture of the (also awarded at the same time) 


Florida Carrib award 2011 3802.
To me this award is on hold till Carnevali deals with it, and Claude knows this.

Encyclia moebusii, award 2011 3802, has been confirmed to be Encyclia moebusii by SITf (Dec 2012).

October 20, 2011

Aerangis montana confirmed to be Aerangis mystacidii

Aerangis montana J. Stewart
Kew Bulletin 34: 295. 1979.

Pacific South, Pinkers, award number 20114923. Center provided the text page also.

Aerangis montana award number 20114923 has been confirmed to be Aerangis mystacidii by SITF (Dec 2011) with assistance of Isobyl la Croix. 

October 13, 2011

Bulbophyllum yasnae determined to be Bulbophyllum thaiorum

There is no B. yasnae in the Kew list.

BULBOPHYLLUM THAIORUM J.J.SM., BULL. JARD. BOT. BUITENZORG, II, 8: 28 (1912).This name is accepted.

Bulbophyllum yasnae award 20112741 has been determined to be Bulbophyllum thaiorum  by SITF (Dec 2011). You may now process the award. Please add to the description- awarded as Bulbophyllum yasnae.

October 10, 2011

Paphiopedilum helenae

Paph. helenae 'Jane'  AM,CHM/AOS  20114274, 201142475, John Sullivan, Northeast

Paphiopedilum helenae, award 20114274, 201142475, Has been confirmed to be Paphiopedilum helenae by SITF (Oct 2011). You may now process the award.

Dendrophylax fawcettii

Width in CM.                      Length in CM
Natural Spread:                   Horiz.         5.3                              Vert.              3.9
Dorsal Sepal:                                             0.9                                                      2.3
Petal:                                                            0.8                                                      2.4
Lateral Sepal (Syns.)                               0.8                                                      2.5
Lip (Pouch)                                                 3.0                                                      4.0
One striking flat star-shaped flower on one seven cm inflorescence; sepals and petals apple-green; lip bilobed, porrect, white; throat, keel, mentum and 10.9 cm nectary apple- green; column apple-green, anther cap cream; leafless plant grown on a 34.5 cm by 4.0 cm log; lightly fragrant; substance medium; texture sepals and petals satin, lip crystalline; country of origin Cayman Islands.
                                                                                    Award CBR

Award # 20112352, Texas, Klehm

Dendrophylax fawcettii, award 20112352, has been confirmed to be Dendrophylax fawcettii by SITf (Oct 2011). 

October 09, 2011

Dendrobium uniflorum

Dendrobium uniflorum Griff., Not. Pl. Asiat. 3: 305 (1851).

This name is accepted.

Award # 20115719, Den uniflorum 'Dean' CHM/AOS
granted at the Mayaguez Orchid Society Show held September 20, 2011. Jose

Dendrobium uniflorum ,award # 20115719, has been confirmed to be Dendrobium uniflorum by SITF (Dec 2011).

Jumellea confusa

Jumellea confusa. Award 20112835, has been confirmed to be Jumellea confusa by SITF ( Dec 2011), with assistance of Johan Hermans

Dendrobium smithianum confirmed to be Dendrobium rhodostele

CBR at GPJC on 09/17/2011 as Dendrobium smithianum.  

Dendrobium smithianum, award 20113648, has been confirmed to be Dendrobium rhodostele by SITF (Dec 2011) with assistance by Peter O’Byrne