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August 27, 2012

Platystele consobrina

Platystele consobrina Luer, Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 38: 32 (1990).This name is accepted.

Award 20125242 West Palm Riley

Platystele consobrina, award 20125242, has been confirmed to be Platystele consobrina by SITF (Oct 2012). 

Epidendrum nocturnum confirmed to be Epidendrum cocornocturnum

Epidendrum nocturnum Jacq., Enum. Syst. Pl.: 29 (1760).This name is accepted.
Award 20125323  West palm Riley

Epidendrum nocturnum , award 20125323, has been confirmed to be Epidendrum cocornocturnum by SITF (Sept 2013), with assistance by Eric Hagsater. 

Warreella cyanea

Warreella cyanea (Lindl.) Schltr., Orchideen: 425 (1914).This name is accepted.
Award  20125319  West Palm Riley

Warreella cyanea , Award  20125319, has been confirmed to be Warreella cyanea by SITF (Sept 2012). 

Coelogyne tomentosa confirmed to be Coelogyne pulverula

Coelogyne tomentosa Lindl., Fol. Orchid. 5: 3 (1854).This name is accepted.

Award 20125326 West Palm riley

Coelogyne tomentosa , award  20125326 , has been confirmed to be Coelogyne pulverula by SITF (Sept 20102). 

Rodriguezia bockii

Rodriguezia bockiae D.E.Benn. & Christenson, Brittonia 47: 202 (1995).This name is accepted. 

Kew changes the name from bockii to bockiae

Award 20125329 , west palm Riley


Telipogon falcatus confirmed to be Hofmeisterella falcata

Telipogon falcatus Linden & Rchb.f., Bonplandia (Hannover) 2: 280 (1854).This name is a synonym.
Accepted Name: Hofmeisterella falcata (Linden & Rchb.f.) Nauray & A.Galán, Novon 19: 389 (2009).

Award 20125215  West Palm (I think AOS web site is down Riley chair) 
Telipogon falcatus , Award 20125215 , has been confirmed to be  Hofmeisterella falcata by SITF (Nov 2012). 

August 20, 2012

Ornithocephalus ciliatus confirmed to be Ornithocephalus bicornis

Ornithocephalus ciliatus Lindl., Ann. Nat. Hist. 4: 383 (1840).This name is accepted.
award 20124046 Chicago

Ornithocephalus ciliatus, award 20124046 has been confirmed to be Ornithocephalus bicornis by SITF (August 2012).

August 16, 2012

Paphinia posadarum

Paphinia posadarum Dodson & R.Escobar, Orquideologia 18: 230 (1993).

This name is accepted.
Award #20113210,  awarded at Atlanta Center

Paphinia posadarum, Award #20113210, has been confirmed to be Paphinia posadarum by SITF( August 2012). 

Cribbia confusa

Cribbia confusa P.J.Cribb, Kew Bull. 51: 359 (1996).This name is accepted.

Award #20122533, PNW  

Cribbia confusa, Award #20122533, has been confirmed to be Cribbia confusa by SITF (August 2012).

August 15, 2012

Angraecum pingue

Angraecum pingue Frapp. ex Cordem., Fl. Réunion: 214 (1895).This name is accepted. 

Rocky Mountain, award 20112874

Angraecum pingue, award 20112874, has been confirmed to be Angraecum pingue by SITF (August 2012). 

Pleurothallis coffeicola determined to be Pleurothallis bothros

Pleurothallis coffeicola Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 27: 50 (1929).This name is a synonym.
Accepted Name: Acianthera casapensis (Lindl.) Pridgeon & M.W.Chase, Lindleyana 16: 242 (2001).
Award 20112702, Mid Atlantic

Pleurothallis coffeicola, award 20112702, has been determined to be Pleurothallis bothros by SITF (Dec 2015).