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October 29, 2013

Restrepia guttulata

 Restrepia guttulata Lindl. is an accepted name


Confi­dence level


Six flowers and one bud on seven inflorescences on a plant 42-cm wide and 16-cm tall with approximately 21 leaves in a 8-cm plastic pot; dorsal sepal and petals translucent with five maroon stripes; lateral sepals basally green yellow, heavily overlaid with oxblood spots with two paler mid lines; chartreuse lip fringed proximally with intense spotting basally, very light brown distally; translucent column slightly yellow; substance firm; texture matte. 

N S - 5.0 x 2.5 wide
D S - 3.6 x 0.045
P T - 2.3 x 0.015
L S - 3.7 x 1.3
L P - 1.4 x 0.4

20131143 - Toronto - CHM
Restrepia guttulata, award 20131143 has been confirmed to be  Restrepia guttulata by SITF ( Nov 2013). 

Paphiopedilum henryanum var album confirmed to be Paphiopedilum henryanum f. album






All of the varieties are synonomized into P. henryanum.

"Two light yellow flowers on two inflorescences on a nine growth 33cm wide by 15.5 cm tall plant grown in a 10cm plastic pot; light brown bumps on dorsal sepal and petals; brown hairs at base of petals; pouch ivory, inside edge yellow; staminode yellow, orange boss; substance firm; texture matte; awarded for distinctive colour."

20111144 - Toronto - CHM

Paphiopedilum henryanum var. album, award 20111144, has been confirmed to be  Paphiopedilum henryanum f. album by SITF (Nov 2013).

Pinalia obesa confirmed to be Pinalia spicata

 Pinalia obesa (Lindl.) Kuntze is a synonym of Eria obesa Lindl.
This name is a synonym of Eria obesa Lindl..


Confi­dence level
Eria lindleyana Griff. [Illegitimate]




One hundred and twenty-two flowers and no buds on five inflorescences plus one immature inflorescence arising from two flowering canes on a 36cm wide by 16cm high multi-caned plant, four canes actively growing; grown in a 6cm square plastic pot in sphagnum moss; leaves lanceolate, medium green, parallel veined, to 4.0cm x 21.0 cm; sepals and petals cream; lip midlobe and sidelobes cream, distal half golden yellow; column cream; substance good; texture chrystaline.

N S - 0.9 x 0.9 wide
D S - 1.1 x 0.5
P T - 0.9 x 0.3
L S - 1.0 x 0.5
L P - 0.5 x 0.3

20111169 - Toronto - CBR

Pinalia obesa , award 20111169, has been confirmed to be Pinalia spicata by SITf (Nov 2013). 

Malaxis merapiensis determined to be Crepidium koordersii

Malaxis merapiensis (Schltr.) Seidenf. is a synonym of Crepidium merapiense (Schltr.) Szlach.


Confi­dence level


"Eleven flowers, 24 buds and many developing buds, spirally arranged on two erect burgundy inflorescences borne on a three lead plant, the leads plus three more tiny green growths emerging from a single leafless growth; leaves lanceolate, acuminate, ridged along six lengthwise veins, edges of leaves slightly undulate, olive green, flushed and stippled burgundy mostly along veins; flowers non-resupinate, translucent chartreuse, on lip darkening to emerald green centrally; dorsal sepal ovate lateral sepals rounded; petals threadlike; lip sidelobes rounded, miblobe triangular emerald green; column white, wings dark green, substance firm; texture waxy; floral bracts descending irregularly, 0.3cm wide x 1.2 cm long.

N S - 1.8 x 1.5cm wide
D S - 0.9 x 0.5
PET- 0.8 x 0.1
L S - 0.6 x 0.5
LIP- 0.7 x 0.8

20111188 - Toronto

Malaxis merapiensis, award 20111188has been determined to be Crepidium koordersii by SITF (July 2015). 

Malaxis cf. calophylla determined to be Crepidium cf. burbidgei

 Malaxis calophylla (Rchb.f.) Kuntze is a synonym of Crepidium calophyllum (Rchb.f.) Szlach.









"Eight flowers, twenty-seven buds, many undeveloped buds, arranged in a spiral, held well above the foliage on two erect light maroon inflorescences up to 12cm high; four growth plant in a 6cm square plastic pot; leaves lanceolate, acute, ridged along central veins, overlaid light maroon, concentrated on ridges; decending floral bract close to stem 0.1cm wide, 0.8 cm long; flowers tiny, non-resupinate, light chartreuse darkening to apple green centrally; sepals ovate; petals threadlike; lip rounded, midlobe with glossy green boss; column dark green, distal stelitid green; substance firm; texture waxy."

Award 20131187, Toronto

NS - 0.6 x 0.6
DS - 0.3 x 0.2
PT - 0.2 x 0.05
LS - 0.3 x 0.2
LP - 0.4 x 0.3

Malaxis calophylla, award 20131187, has been determined to be Crepidium cf. burbidgei by SITF (May 2014). 

October 23, 2013

Dendrochilum abortum

Dendrochilum abortum (Ames) L.O.Williams, Philipp. J. Sci. 80: 310 (1952).

This name is accepted.

award 20131526 National Capital Judging  
Dendrochilum abortum, award 20131526, has been confirmed to be Dendrochilum abortum by SITF (Nov 2013), with assistance of Henrik Ærenlund Pedersen. 

Clowesia thylaciochila 2 confirmed to be Clowesia dodsoniana

Clowesia thylaciochila (Lem.) Dodson, Selbyana 1: 136 (1975).

This name is accepted.

award 20133177. Florida-Caribbean Judging Center

Clowesia thylaciochila, award 20133177, has been confirmed to be Clowesia dodsoniana by SITF (Nov 2013).

October 21, 2013

Oncidium ligiae

Oncidium ligiae Königer, Arcula 4: 107 (1995).

This name is accepted.

Award 20131845  Pacific Central 

Oncidium ligiae , award 20131845, has been confirmed to be Oncidium ligiae by SITF (Nov 2013). 

Bulbophyllum moniliforme

Bulbophyllum moniliforme C.S.P.Parish & Rchb.f., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 30: 151 (1874).
This name is accepted.

award  20134096, Puerto Rico

Bulbophyllum moniliforme, award number 20134096, has been confirmed to be  Bulbophyllum moniliforme by SITF (Nov. 2013). 

Angraecum firthii confirmed to be Angraecum erectum

Angraecum firthii Summerh., Kew Bull. 13: 267 (1958).This name is accepted.
Distribution: Cameroon to SW. Kenya

award 20134094 Puerto Rico 
Angraecum firthii, award 20134094, has been confirmed to be Angraecum erectum by SITF (Nov 2013).