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January 30, 2015

Brasiliorchis marginata determined to be Brasiliorchis chrysantha

20153248  FNCJC

Brasiliorchis marginata, award 20153248, has been determined to be Brasiliorchis chrysantha by SITF (March 2015). 

January 27, 2015

Restrepia trichoglossa

Restrepia trichoglossa F.Lehm. ex Sander, Sander's Orch. Guide: 215 (1901).
This name is accepted.
Distribution:    Mexico (Chiapas) to Peru

Twenty-two flowers and 23 buds on 43 inflorescences carried just above the densely packed foliage of a 20-cm diameter plant; dorsal sepal erect, paddle-shaped, translucent, overlaid rich red-maroon centrally; petals thread-like, dark maroon, thickened at apex; lateral sepals fused, held horizontally, L-shaped, chartreuse-yellow, proximal half overlaid with dense, very dark maroon dots, coalescing into lines as they approach the base; lip strap-shaped, light orange, side-lobes small, traingular; substance fairly firm; texture matte.

NS 2.6 cm vert x 1.1 hor
DS 1.8 x 0.2
PET 1.3 x 0.01
LS 2.9 x 0.3
Lip 1.0 x 0.2

CHM 83 from Toronto, 20151337

Restrepia lankesteri is a synonym of trichoglossa.

Restrepia trichoglossa, award 20151337, has been confirmed to be  Restrepia trichoglossa by SITF( Feb 2015).

January 26, 2015

Pterostylis obtusa

Pterostylis obtuse ‘Mello Spirit’, CBR/AOS (provisional)

NS                      4.0                     4.0
Galea                   1.1                     2.0
Lateral sepal           0.6                     3.8
Lip                     0.2                     1.0

One flower solitary to 28 cm; flower translucent white with bright green stripes; galea erect for three-quarters of its length; lateral sepals embracing galea; lip about 10 mm x 3 mm oblong dark brown; colony growing in 15-cm plastic bulb pot; growing medium Pro-mix covered with Turface; recognized for rarity and educational value; native to Australia.

20143454  Atlanta Judging Center

Pterostylis obtusa R.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl.: 327 (1810).
This name is accepted.
Pterostylis obtusa, award 20143454, has been confirmed to be Pterostylis obtusa by SITF (Feb 2015). 

January 22, 2015

mediocalcar uniflorum determined to be Mediocalcar paradoxum subsp. paradoxum

Award 20151336 from Toronto  CBR

Six flowers and  three buds on nine inflorescences emerging from the growing tips of the branched three growth rhizomatous plant; flowers held on curved red-brown 1.4 cm ovaries atop 0.5 cm stems; all sepals fused for two thirds of their length into a floral tube; tube inflated, red-orange, the 0.3 cm tips not fused, slightly spreading and of a contrasting green; sepal tips are twice as wide and a bit longer that the petal and lip tips; substance firm, texture waxy.

NS 1.0 v x 0.8 w
DS 1.0 x 0.5
PT 0.9 x 0.1
LS 1.0 x 0.8
LP 0.9 x 0.4

Mediocalcar uniflorum, Award 20151336, has been determined to be Mediocalcar paradoxum subsp. paradoxum by SITF ( March 2015).

Octomeria yauaperyensis determined to be Octomeria tridentata

Octomeria yauaperyensis Barb.Rodr., Vellosia, ed. 2, 1: 120 (1891).
This name is accepted.

20154978 Great Plains
Octomeria yauaperyensis, award 20154978, has been determined to be Octomeria tridentata by SITf (Feb. 2015).

Epidendrum xanthoianthinum

Epidendrum xanthoianthinum Hágsater, Icon. Orchid. 2: t. 197 (1993).
This name is accepted.

20151440 Montréal   Center

Epidendrum xanthoianthinum, award 20151440, has been confirmed to be Epidendrum xanthoianthinum by SITF (Feb 2015). 

January 18, 2015

Aerides quinquevulnera var. calayana determined to be Aerides odorata

Aerides magnifica Cootes & W.Suarez
OrchideenJ. 21(3): 127. 2014 [15 Aug 2014]

file:///C:/Users/patricia/Desktop/SITF%20photos/Aerides%20quinquevulnera%20var%20calayana/magnifica.pdf---for some reason i can not convert the pictures from this pdf - which describes this species. 

20142140 Pacific South

Aerides quinquevulnera var. calayana, award  20142140, as been determined to be Aerides odorata  by SITF(MAY 2015). 

January 16, 2015

Scaphyglottis fasciculata determined to be Scaphyglottis prolifera

Scaphyglottis fasciculata Hook., Hooker's Icon. Pl. 4: t. 317 (1841).
This name is accepted.

20143680 cincinnati

Scaphyglottis fasciculata, award 20143680, has been determined to be  Scaphyglottis prolifera by SITF (Jan 2016). 

Maxillaria macrura f. alba confirmed to be Maxillaria macrura f. aurea

Maxillaria macrura f. aurea Christenson, Orchids (West Palm Beach) 73: 216 (2004).This name is a synonym.

Accepted Name: Maxillaria macrura Rchb.f., Linnaea 41: 28 (1876).

20143647 cincinnati

Maxillaria macrura forma alba, award number 20143647, has been confirmed to be Maxillaria macrura f. aurea by SITF (Jan 2015). 

Bulbophyllum korthalsii

Bulbophyllum korthalsii Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 3: 320 (1907).
This name is accepted.

20143645 Cincinnati

Bulbophyllum korthalsii, award 20143645, has been confirmed to be Bulbophyllum korthalsii by SITF (Jan 2015). 

Pleurothallis tentaculata

Pleurothallis tentaculata (Poepp. & Endl.) Lindl., Companion Bot. Mag. 2: 354 (1837).
This name is accepted. 

20143644 Cincinnati
Pleurothallis tentaculata, award# 20143644, has been confirmed to be Pleurothallis tentaculata by SITF (Jan 2015).