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May 25, 2009

Myrmecophila exaltata

Hi Lou,
I’ve got together a group of photos, including a scan of the award sheet for the Mcp. exaltata. I actually noticed something on the award sheet…the genus name is spelled incorrectly. Ummm…?
I bought it as a small seedling two years ago from a grower associated with Sun Bulb in Arcadia, Joe Hayden. It was tagged Schom. exaltata.
I still consider it to be a young plant, first time blooming this year with a single 83cm long inflorescence. When I got it the p-bulbs were about 6 to 7 cm long. The last 3 to grow range from 24 to 26cm long; leaf span is 25 to 27cm. So far all the p-bulbs have 2 leaves. My brysiana did the same thing when it was younger, although the newest p-bulbs on it now have 3 and 4 leaves on them – is this usual for Myremecophilas?

In any event, additional information about the plant that might be helpful:

That’s what I’ve got for you…hopefully it turns out to be as tagged. If you need additional measurements or photos, please let me know.

Thanks again, David
To: Lou Lodyga
Myrmecophila exaltata, award 20095145, has been confirmed to be Myrmecophila exaltata by the SITF May 2009. You can now process the award.
Patricia Harding, chair SITF

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