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June 30, 2009

June 29, 2009

Chelonistele brevilamellata confirmed to be Coelogyne pachystachya

Award Description:
Eleven flowers and eighteen buds on three upright inflorescences, up to 29 cm; flowers alternately arranged; large beige-pink bracts clasping the pedicels; borne on a plant growing in a 10cm plastic pot; bifoliate pseudobulbs up to 8.5cm by4cm wide; leaves lanceolate up to 33cm long by 5 cm wide; sepals and petals creamy white; lip white, overlaid carmel distally; 4 lamella yellow; side lobes white veined caramel, anther cap orange; fragrance of rotten vegetation; substance firm; texture matte.

Chelonistele brevilamellata, award 20095018, has been confirmed to be Coelogyne pachystachya by SITF (Dec 2011) with assistance of Elisabeth & Jean-Claude
 George. You may now process the award.

Maxillaria shepheardii confirmed Maxillaria weberbaueri

Award Description:
Twenty-two upright flowers on a 38cm x 25cm plant in a 15cm tree fern pot; leaves eliptical to 17cm; pseudobulbs ovoid to 1.8cm x 3.0cm sepals and petals butter yellow, darker distally; lip yellow, side lobes striated burgundy, mid lobe bright orange; column ivory; anther cap ivory; frangrant, stong, lilac like; substance firm, texture matte.

Maxillaria shepardii, award 20095020, has been confirmed Maxillaria weberbaueri, by SITF, Sept 2009, with the assistance of Eric Christenson, Mario Blanco and Mark Whitten. You can now process the award.

Gongora nigropunctata (pardina) determined to be Gongora latibasis

Award Description:
60 flowers and 54 buds on 8 inflorescences arranged spirally on pendent up to 45 cm long stems; flowers cream almost solidly overlaid with chestnut brown dots and flushes, dorsal and petals fused to column for half their length with the petals narrow and with free tips curved downward and then back towards column; lateral sepals folded back partially to wholly meeting like a butterfly's wings; lip boat shaped with hypochile with a bent down small tooth on each side near base, slit on bottom narrow and only slightly wider near base, mesochile a narrow hump and 2 thread-like horns held perpendicular to plane of rest of lip, epichile tightly folded, tip curved up, substance fairly heavy, texture matte on sepals and petals and shiny on lip.

Gongora nigropunctata, award 20095021 has been determined to be Gongora latibasis by SITF, July 2009, with assistance of Rudolf Jenny. There are previous CHMs to this species. Often this species is green gray with no particular color, but there is a previous award that says the red is cinnamon red. You could argue that your CHM has more red than cinnamon and if you determine that is the case make sure you state that is clone is different than previous awards so that the award will not be nullified.

Patricia Harding, chair SITF.

June 26, 2009

Bulbophyllum triste

Doris Jensen was present at the judging and indicated that she believes it to be properly labeled.

Bulbophyllum triste, award number 20095349, has been confirmed to be Bulbophyllum triste by the SITF, July 2009, with assistance of Doris Jensen. You can now process the award.

Cyrpipedium debile

Dear Russ,
Cypripedium debile, award # 20096183, has been determined to be Cypripedium debile by the SITF, July 2009. You can now process the award.

Patricia Harding, Chair SITF