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July 21, 2009

Prosthechea trulla

Prosthechea trulla, Award #20093612

Prosthechea trulla, Award #20093612, has been confirmed to Prosthechea trulla by SITF, July 2009.

There is another award to this species under Encyclia lancifolia. Encyclia lancifolia is not really a synonym of E. trulla, but at the time of the award it was felt that lancifolia and trulla were synonyms and that lancifolia had name priority. Since the mid nineties type specimen of lancifolia has been determined to be a E(P.). cochleata, which then made the name trulla have priority for these plants. I suggested that perhaps if you wanted to save the award you could change it to a CBR, as you can give that award twice to the same species to correct taxonomic errors, but Ron McHatton said it would be easier to just correct the Encyclia lancifolia, so I guess that is what will be done and therefore this award will be nullified.

Patricia Harding

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