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January 06, 2010

Ascocentrum aurantiacum var. luteum

Ascocentrum aurantiacum var. Luteum
'Mary Motes' CHM/AOS, 85pts
Exhib: Motes Orchids
Florida-Caribbean judging; 11-28-09

Ascocentrum aurantiacum var. luteum, award 20097582, has been confirmed to be Ascocentrum aurantiacum subsp. philippinense(yellow form) by SITF(Feb 2010). You can now process the award.

1 comment:

Orchids and Baggage said...

There is no variety luteum of Ascocentrum aurantiacum. Ascocentrum aurantiacum ranges in color from bright orange to yellow orange. The variety status was given by Martin Motes to distinguish a lighter yellow flower. This may actually represent Ascocentrum aureum which was recently rediscovered. Both are very similar and close inspection is required for proper identification.