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February 06, 2011

Chiloschista sweelimii 2

Chiloschista sweelimii Holttum, Orchid Rev. 74: 147 (1966).

This Chiloschista sweelimii received a CHM at the Tampa judging (Florida North Central - Glenn Brown Chair) on 1/26/2011 - Award number 20115100

Twenty-five flowers and eight buds laxly arranged on three pendent inflorescences; sepals short, rounded, swept slightly forward, base color lemon yellow, centrally spotted chestnut brown; petals similarly colored, somewhat swept back; lip slipper-shaped, pointed, solid bright yellow, side lobe interior spotted chestnut brown; column solid yellow; substance firm; texture matte, reverse faintly hirsute; species native to Northern Perak, Penninsular Malaysia; recognized for excellent color and breeding potential.

Natural spread  1.1cm horizontal x 1.0cm vertical Dorsal Sepal  0.4cm wide by 0.5cm long Petals  0.4cm wide by 0.5cm long Lateral Sepals  0.4cm wide by 0.5cm long Lip  0.3cm wide by 0.4cm long

Chiloschista sweelimii, Award number 20115100 has been confirmed to be Chiloschista sweelimii by SITF(Feb 2011).

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