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February 19, 2012

Catasetum moorei

Catasetum moorei C.Schweinf., Fieldiana, Bot. 33: 50 (1970).
Heterotypic Synonyms:
Catasetum lanxiforme Senghas, Orchidee (Hamburg) 42: 22 (1991).

Catasetum moorei award 20122451 , PNW Abu

Catasetum moorei award 20122451 , has been confirmed to be Catasetum moorei by SITF (June 2012). You may now process the award.   Please add to the description that -this was identified as Catasetum lanxiforme with by George Carr, yet the Kew list has the species as synonyms; further study may determine they are different taxon.

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