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November 11, 2012

Maxillaria melina confirmed to be Maxillaria edwardsii

20122678 from Toronto CHM

Maxillaria melina Lindl., Orchid. Linden.: 20 (1846).
This name is accepted.
Distribution:     N. South America to Ecuador

Seventeen flowers and eight buds on 25 inflorescences and 10 developing inflorescences indicating a staggered bloom period, borne on a  45cm wide plant in a 12 cm plastic pot; pseudobulbs squat, tightly clustered, 3cm high by 1.5cm wide, laterally compressed; leaves acute, oblong linear up to 4cm wide by 20 cm long, petiole conduplicate to 8cm, formed canopy over erect inflorescences up to 7.5 cm tall; flowers white; sepals and petals distal half overlaid dusky mauve on interior and exterior; lip farinose, blushed light mauve distally; substance firm; texture matte; flowers emit sharp unpleasant order in close proximity; recognized for attractive colouration and floriferousness.

The clonal name given here was quite appropriate "Back-off Dirty Socks"  it had a very sharp rancid unpleasant odour, but only when you got close to the flowers - it was really unnoticeable with the plant just sitting at the table.

Maxillaria melina, award 20122678, has been confirmed to be Maxillaria edwardsii by SITF (Jan 2013), with assistance of Mario Blanco.   Please add to the description that Mario determined this to be Maxillaria argyrophylla, which he plans to synonymize with Maxillaria edwardsii in a future publication.

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