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July 02, 2013

Dendrochilum propinquum confirmed to be Dendrochilum convallariiforme

   award 20124161 and 20124162  FCJC

Dendrochilum propinquum

NSL 1.0; NSW 0.7; DSL 0.2; DSW 0.4; PL 0.3; PW 0.4; LSL 0.2; LSW 0.4; LL 0.3; LW 0.3

Approximately eleven hundred flowers, 100 buds on 36 pendant, spiraled inflorescences, grown in 8 cm mesh pot; plant 30 cm tall; flowers light orange; substance medium; texture crystalline.Per Kew: species endemic to the Philippines (Leyte).

Dendrochilum propinquum, award 20124161 and 20124162, has been confirmed to be Dendrochilum convallariiforme by SITF (July 2013).

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