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December 11, 2013

Crepidium mieczyslawii

Crepidium mieczyslawii Marg., Polish Bot. J. 46: 67 (2001).This name is accepted.

National Capital  20131562 
Twelve flowers and 23 buds plus some undeveloped buds on two eight-cm inflorescences; flowers non-resupinate; sepals and filamentous petals apple green, tipped plum purple; lip green, overlaid with purple horseshoe marking; recognized for horticultural merit due to its striking, dark purple variegated foliage coupled with charming flowers.

Crepidium mieczyslawii, award 20131562, has been confirmed to be  Crepidium mieczyslawii by SITF (Jan 2014).

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