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March 17, 2014

Cymbidium sinense

Atlanta Judging Center on 2/8/14 (Award # 2014 3397).

The award description and measurements are below.

                        Width in cm             Length in cm
NS                      5.3                     3.4
DS                      0.5                     2.5
Petal                   0.6                     2.2
Lateral Sepal           0.4                     2.8
Lip                     0.6                     2.0

Four flowers and 3 buds on one upright 43 cm light pink inflorescence, 1 flower, 3 buds on second 25 cm infloresence; sepals and petals white overlaid wine red stripes; lip white overlaid dark wine red splotches; column dark wine red, anther cap creamy yellow; substance firm; texture matte; previously unrecognized color form of attractive Chinese species.

The plant originated from Ten Shin Gardens Co., Ltd
101-1 Shangguan Li
Yuanli Township
Miaoli County, Taiwan

Tel 886-910-157-470

Cymbidium sinense (Jacks.) Willd., Sp. Pl. 4: 111 (1805).

This name is accepted.

Cymbidium sinense, award 2014 3397, has been confirmed to be Cymbidium sinense by SITF (April 2014). 

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