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July 26, 2014

Sedirea japonica

Sedirea japonica (Rchb.f.) Garay & H.R.Sweet, Orchids S. Ryukyu Is.: 149 (1974).

This name is accepted.

20143632 Cincinnati

Sedirea japonica alba, has been confirmed to be Sedirea japonica by SITF (August 2014). 

July 25, 2014

Dendrobium sanderae varluzonicum confirmed to be Dendrobium sanderae

Dendrobium sanderae Rolfe, Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 45: 374 (1909).

This name is accepted.

Great Lakes 20144882

Dendrobium sanderae Rolfe, Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 45: 374 (1909).
Dendrobium sanderae var. parviflorum Anschutz ex Quisumb., Philipp. Orchid Rev. 2: 3 (1949).
Dendrobium sanderae var. surigaense Quisumb., Philipp. Orchid Rev. 4: 2 (1951).
Dendrobium sanderae var. major auct., Orchid J. 3: 113 (1954).
Dendrobium sanderae var. milleri Quisumb., Philipp. Orchid Rev. 6: 11 (1958).

Dendrobium sanderae var. luzonicum, award 20144882, had been confirmed to be Dendrobium sanderae by SITF (Oct 2014). 

Gongora ecornuta

Gongora ecornuta Jenny, Orchidee (Hamburg) 34: 67 (1983).This name is accepted.

Montreal award 20141464

Gongora ecornuta, award 20141464, has been confirmed to be Gongora ecornuta by SITF (July 2014).

July 24, 2014

Epidendrum lacustre

Epidendrum lacustre Lindl., Fol. Orchid. 3: 50 (1853).

This name is accepted.

 20142177 Pacific South

Epidendrum lacustre, award 20142177, has been confirmed to be  Epidendrum lacustre by SITF (August 2014). 

Phalaenopsis malipoensis

Phalaenopsis malipoensis Z.J.Liu & S.C.Chen, Acta Bot. Yunnan. 27: 37 (2005).

This name is accepted.

award# 20143629 Cincinnati

Phalaenopsis malipoensis, award# 20143629, has been confirmed to be  Phalaenopsis malipoensis by SITF (August 2014). 

July 21, 2014

Dendrobium tannii confirmed to be Dendrobium bracteosum

#20145730 - Dendrobium tannii, CHM/AOS 82 pts., PNWJC Keiser, OR Monthly Judging

nomen nudum

Dendrobium tannii, award 20145730, has been confirmed to be Dendrobium bracteosum by SITF (Oct 2014).   

Dendrochilum pallidiflavens

#20145323 - Dendrochilum pallidiflavens, CBR/AOS, PNWJC Monthly Judging, Seattle, WA

Dendrochilum pallidiflavens, award number 20145323, has been confirmed to be  Dendrochilum pallidiflavens var. pallidiflavens by SITF (August 2014).

Dryadella pusiola determined to be Dryadella linearifolia

#20135305 - Dryadella pusiola, Mount Baker OS Show, Mount Vernon, WA

Dryadella pusiola (Rchb.f.) Luer, Selbyana 2: 209 (1978).
Homotypic Synonyms:
* Masdevallia pusiola Rchb.f., Gard. Chron., III, 1: 140 (1887).
* Basionym/Replaced Synonym
Heterotypic Synonyms:
Masdevallia simulatrix F.Lehm. & Kraenzl., Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1925: 102 (1925).
Dryadella dolichopoda (Luer) Luer, Selbyana 2: 208 (1978).
Dryadella simulatrix (F.Lehm. & Kraenzl.) Luer, Selbyana 2: 209 (1978).
Masdevallia dolichopoda Luer, Phytologia 39: 196 (1978).

Dryadella pusiola, award 20135305 and award 20122505, have been determined to be Dryadella linearifolia by SITF (Oct 2014). 

Bulbophyllum treschii

Award #20141881, Bulbophyllum treschii, CHM/81, Portland, OR

Bulbophyllum treschii, award 20141881, has been confirmed to be Bulbophyllum treschii by SITF (July 2014). 

July 13, 2014

Cymbidium canaliculatum

Cymbidium canaliculatum R.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl.: 331 (1810).

This name is accepted.

award 20142176, Pacific South
Cymbidium canaliculatum, award 20142176, has been confirmed to be  Cymbidium canaliculatum forma barrettii by SITF (August 2014)

Cymbidium canaliculatum, award 20142176, has been confirmed to be Cymbidium canaliculatum forma viridiflorum by SITF (Feb 2016)