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August 19, 2014

Telipogon nervosus

20141908 CBR
Telipogon nervosus ‘Maria Luisa’
Five flowers and twelve buds on 9 inflorescences with two additional inflorescences growing in 20 cm wide basket; plant scandent or crawling with apical inflorescence 36 cm long, leaves spatulate??? 2 cm wide by 5 cm long flowers  translucent yellow striped and veined maroon; lip hirsute maroon; substance average; texture matte; country of origin Colombia, awarded for rarity and educational value. Provisional

Telipogon nervosus (L.) Druce, Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Brit. Isles 1916: 650 (1917).

This name is accepted.

Telipogon nervosus, award 20141908, has been confirmed to be Telipogon nervosus by SITF (Oct 2014). 

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